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Department of Accountancy

  • B-Tech Accounting (2-Year Top-Up)
  • HND Accounting

Department of Procurement & Supply Science

  • B-Tech Procurement & Supply Chain Management (2-Year Top-Up)
  • HND Purchasing & Supply

Department of Marketing

  • B-Tech Marketing (2-Year Top-Up)
  • HND Marketing

Department of Secretaryship & Management Studies

  • B-Tech Secretaryship & Management Studies (2-Year Top-Up)
  • HND Secretaryship & Management Studies

Department of Professional Studies

  •  DBS Statistics
  • DBS Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • DBS Entrepreneurship
  • DBS Accounting
  • DBS Purchasing & Supply
  • DBS Banking & Finance
  • DBS Marketing
  • DBS Secretarial
  • Diploma in Public Administration

Department of Liberal Studies

  •  Services all the Departments with general courses
  • Secretaryship & Management Studies Department

    Secretaryship & Management Studies Department

    The department was established in the year 2010 and it runs a Higher National Diploma (HND) programme in Secretaryship and Management Studies. With an initial...

  • Accountancy Department

    Accountancy Department

    Brief Background of the department The department of Accountancy was established during the 1997 academic year. It is one of the pioneering departments of the...

  • Marketing Department

    Marketing Department

    INTRODUCTION The Department of Marketing was started in March 1997 as one of the two pioneer Departments with which the then Koforidua Polytechnic (now Koforidua...

  • Procurement And Supply Science Department

    Procurement And Supply Science Department

    HISTORY OF PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY SCIENCE The department started in the year 1997 with three people.  Initially, it was one department merged together with marketing. ...

  • Liberal Studies Department

    Liberal Studies Department

    The Department of Liberal Studies is the heartbeat of Koforidua Technical University because of its servicing nature and one of the Faculty of Business and...

  • Professional Studies Department

    Professional Studies Department

    The Professional Studies Department was established in February 2003 after Management saw the need to split the Accountancy department into two. The Department is headed...